Tuesday 28 January 2014

Would You Rather...?

at 17:23
Today I thought I'd do a challenge! Woohoo!
I think that I'm going to start blogging more frequently now that I've soent hours fixing up a new blog theme and changing around the template and sidebars. Cheers to a new blogging era!

Would You Rather?

1. Get Fridays off or get Mondays off?
Mondays off. Friday evenings are so rewarding.

2. Find true love or 10 million euro?
10 million euro. Love will find a way XD

3. Lose half your hair or lose half your hearing?
I love my hair, so bye-bye hearing!

4. Be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate?
Rich!!! I can always quit.

5. Go without the Internet or a car for a month?
Go without car. I can walk. ---See Question 28---

6. have to sit all day or stand all day?
Sit. Easy.

7. dump someone else or be the person getting dumped?
Get dumped. Confrontation scares me...

8. drink a cup of soiled milk or pee your pants in public?
Pee my pants. I'm not a fan of milk anyway, let alone soiled milk.

9. have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lose your luggage?
Lose my luggage. I'm rich anyway!!! ---See Question 4---

10. be in your underwear all day or in a wedding dress all day?
Dress. Dress. DRESS!

11. have a missing finger or have an extra toe?
Extra toe because I can always cover it up.

12. never use the Internet again or never watch TV again?
Never watch TV again. I can watch movies on my laptop!

13. be invisible or have super speed?
Invisibility. Just beacuse.

14.have an extra hour every day or have €40 given to you free and clear every day?
Again, I'm already rich ---See Question 4---, so an extra hour would be nice.

15. have a photographic memory or be able to forget anything you wanted?
Photographic memory.

16. able to lie without being caught or always be able to tell when someone is lying?
Lie without being caught. It's just better off that way.

17. be a clown that distracts the bull or the bull rider on the bull?
Rider. That was a tough one :D

18. be known as a criminal or be known as a liar?
Criminal, because I would never be caught lying ---See Question 16---

19. eat only KFC for a month or eat only Taco Bell for a year?
KFC, as we have no Taco Bell here in Ireland.

20. be your favourite video game character or be your favourite movie character?
'I'm going to bed before either one of you comes up with another clever plan to get us all killed. Or worse. EXPELLED!'--- Comment if you know :P

21. run 26 miles or swim 5 miles?
I'm a much better swimmer than runner so I'll take the five miles please!

22. hold your pee all day or go pee every 5 minutes?
Hold it all day, because I'd be able to.

23. be a famous rapper or be a notorious mobster?
I can acually rap- kinda- so I'd be a rapper.

24. be eaten by a zombie or be burnt at the stake?

25. never drink soda again or never eat pizza again?
Never drink soda... I'm too attached to Domino's.

26. see everything blurry or see everything in black and white?
I love vintage so black and white.

27. be stuck in a room with dead bodies or eat 5 spiders
I'd eat spiders...

28. be deaf and have no legs or be blind with no arms
Deaf and no legs. How would I see the computer screen?

I hope you enjoyed my challenge!!!
Elle xox


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